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Punches system Amada/Promecam
90° Punches
88° Punches
85° Punches
60° Punches
45° Punches
35° Punches
30° Punches
26° Punches
24° Flattening and Hemming punches
Holder for radius-tools / Radius-tools R3 - R6,5
Flattening/hemming tool
Joggle (Z) tool holder and inserts Z1 – Z15 / Radius-tools R7 - R50
Dies system Amada/Promecam
90° reversable 2 way V dies
88° reversable 2 way V dies
30° reversable 2 way V dies
90° 2 way V dies
88° 2 way V dies
60° 2 way V dies
30° 2 way V dies
90° single V T-dies, H = 80 mm
88° single V T-dies, H = 80 mm
60° single V T-dies, H = 80 mm
45° single V T-dies, H = 80 mm
30° single V T-dies, H = 80 mm
90° single V T-dies, H = 120 mm
88° single V T-dies, H = 120 mm
60° single V T-dies, H = 120 mm
45° single V T-dies, H = 120 mm
30° single V T-dies, H = 120 mm
85° single V dies
80° single V dies
60° single V dies
45° single V dies
30° single V dies
Square dies
Flattening and hamming dies
Spring loaded flattening and hemming dies
Bottom tool-adaptors
Punches system Trumpf/Wila
86° Punches
60° Punches
28° Punches
24° Flattening and Hemming
Punch distance pieces
Punch adaptors
Joggle (Z) tool holder and inserts Z1 – Z15
Holder for radius-tools and flattening tool/Radius-tools R7 – R50
Flattening and hemming tool
Dies system Trumpf/Wila
86° dies, H = 100 mm
80° dies, H = 100 mm
30° dies, H = 100 mm
86° dies, H = 150 mm
30° dies, H = 150 mm
Punches system Beyler/Safan
Punches Beyeler R
Punches Beyeler S
Punches Beyeler RF–A, Beyeler Euro–A, Safan
Punches Beyeler Euro-A, Safan including groove Amada/Promecam
Holder for radius-tools and flattening tool/Radius-tools R7 – R50 Beyeler R+S+RF–A
24° Flattening and hemming punches
Punch adaptors
Punch distance pieces
Dies system Beyler/Safan
90° dies, H = 55 mm
88° dies, H = 55 mm
85° dies, H = 55 mm
60° dies, H = 55 mm,60mm
30° dies, H = 55 mm
Die adaptors
Special tooling / Shear blades
Tooling for different machines
Tooling for machines И, ИВ, Erfurt etc.
Special tooling
Shear blades
Punches and Dies adapters
Standard adapters
Individual adapters
Punches system Amada/Promecam
Dies system Amada/Promecam
Punches system Trumpf/Wila
Dies system Trumpf/Wila
Punches system Beyler/Safan
Dies system Beyler/Safan
Special tooling / Shear blades
Punches and Dies adapters
Приглашение на Промфорум-2016
New Catalogue 2016 version 2.2
Sheet-processing equipment
Приглашение на Промфорум-2016
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